Lecture Notes: Formal Methods in Software Engineering ===================================================== `Comp 335 `_ | `Department of Computer Science `_ | `Loyola University Chicago `_ *Welcome! Willkomme! ¡Bienvenidos/as! Benvenuti/e!* .. warning:: These notes are still under construction for spring 2024, so expect a few rough edges. But we're getting closer! Your contributions are *highly welcome!* Please submit `issues `_ and `pull requests `_. In this course, we study formal methods suitable for contemporary software engineering practice. This version of the course is normally taught by `Konstantin Läufer `_. Please get started by reading the :doc:`10-overview`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Contents :numbered: :hidden: 10-overview 15-softwareengineering 20-foundations 30-testing 40-modelchecking 50-rtverification 70-summary 80-software 85-resources 90-syllabi 95-todo Latest version |version| Build status .. only:: html .. image:: https://github.com/lucformalmethodscourse/lucformalmethodscourse.github.io/actions/workflows/main.yml/badge.svg :target: https://github.com/lucformalmethodscourse/lucformalmethodscourse.github.io/actions :alt: GitHub Pages and Release PDF See `github.com/lucformalmethodscourse/lucformalmethodscourse.github.io/actions `_ Repository `github.com/lucformalmethodscourse/lucformalmethodscourse.github.io `_ Releases The current book (|version|) in PDF is available at `GitHub Releases `_ .. todo:: Indices and tables (put at end of TOC above) * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` .. todo:: add sample projects, activities, tests, and (tiered) master list for presentations